I attended a talk last night. The speaker said something that resonated deep within....."Everything begins with love." If you can love, it can reach into every pore of your body and spill over to result in a bigger better version of the person inside. It sometimes seems as though the world shows every other emotion so easily except for love. We keep it tightly wrapped in a box waiting to be used when we deem fitting. What I have begun to realize by choosing adoption, I have released this love I kept in that box. Embracing this life and seeing its beauty, gave me the strength to begin to love. Where did I begin? By accepting to love the most crucial piece of this equation. ME
For loving myself became my way of life. What comes as a result of this love is gravy. This trickle down effect has had momentum. Love is the beginning...Love is what life is about....Love is what gives us meaning....Love is how beauty exists....Love is what gives us Hope....Love is what brings Empowerment. Love is sharing with others the beauty of adoption. For me...adoption is LOVE...it is ME.
So my hope for those reading..... Begin with LOVE. Begin with yourself....that love in the box is waiting to be used....
"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."
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