Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Setting a Pace Today

So in keeping with the spirit of adoption. I have begun to embrace the momentum today that I have spoken about, there is no reason to wait till tomorrow. The small differences and impact that I can make and change today will have a direct impact on not only the here and now but also tomorrow.

The whole concept of adopting a child and being in this process is centered around my desire to become a parent and my love for a child. It is so easy for me to see why adopting a child is the right choice for me because I want to make a difference in the life of our child someday. I want to parent with love, understanding, knowledge and truth. In setting a pace for making a difference, I am following my heart not only in adoption but also in my everyday life.

So where do I begin? How do I set the pace?

By incorporating the concept of adoption into my daily life, I am beginning again by finding out where I can make a small change in the lives of those around me. Today, I began by reaching out to the County's Animal Shelter, I asked them if they accepted donations of blankets for the animals and how worn they could be to take them. I love dogs, I think they are a piece of heaven put here on earth for a short while. Dogs live each day in the moment. They have the ability to love unconditionally and if it were not for man exploiting them there would not be a need to place them in shelters. There are too many puppy mills in America and too many abusive owners that neglect their animals. That is why they end up in shelters. I heard a stat not too long ago that said that over 800 dogs are euthanized a day and 1200 cats, that is unbelievable. It is also overwhelming to here that and I almost feel incapable of making a difference.

So, I have decided to start small and see where it takes me. I sent a message on to close family and friends asking them to save their old blankets and I will be making trips to the local shelters donating them from time to time. That's a beginning. I also contacted the local County Parks and Recreation center. I am finding out what it takes to reserve a county park nearby for a 5K fundraising event next spring. I am going to start putting together the steps necessary to make this event happen, and all proceeds will go to the local Children's Hospital.

So today, I set the pace. Tomorrow its another small change in my way of life to follow my heart.

1 comment:

  1. The number of animals put down are unsettling. We toured and spent the day at a shelter for camp and the numbers are crazy. This was a fantastic shelter and they still put down over 50% of the animals that are there each year. (I think the exact figure was 58%) I almost came home from Florida with a dog.
