Wednesday, July 28, 2010


We are on vacation with my family this week at the beach. Andrew and I have taken this same vacation each summer since 2006, it is our fifth summer now. In the summer of 2006 we were starting to try to conceive, and excited about the possibility of becoming parents. Each summer vacation came and went and nothing changed. So every year, its been the same beaches, same places, and it's almost as if not that much time has not gone by. However, not this year, not this time. This year, 2010, is different. Andrew and I had a visit to our home by our social workers last Friday before we left for our trip. At the end of the visit the social worker told us that we should definitely get a car seat by the end of August, just in case it happens fast. Andrew and I also came up from the beach yesterday for a few hours to go to an adoption meeting. Driving up, I started to imagine that car seat in the back of our car. So it seems that the years and vacations had all started to blend together over the past four years, until now. There's something different about this vacation, a major change that is occurring in our lives right now. We started listening this past winter to our life, and now this summer vacation is different in a BIG way.

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