Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What does it mean to me today

Well, I thought I would begin by sharing what adoption means me to me. The meaning of adoption will continue to transform and evolve for me. Adoption has taken on many layers of meaning for me up to this point. At the very surface it is to parent a non-biological child who biological parents are unable to care for them. It also has taken on another layer and that is, adopting a way of life and understanding for those who are in need. Adoption means not only parenting but adopting a new way of thought by making a difference in the life of others, one day at a time.

Whether it's volunteering a few days a week at a nursing home, a developmentally disabled daycare, or creating a fundraising event to help someone in need. Adopting a new way of living can mean, reading to an elderly friend once a week, making a dinner for a neighbor in need, or spending time at the local animal shelter playing with a dog. There are so many small tweaks that can be made in life that can help those around us and make a difference in a big way for just one person. Yes, my husband and I are going to make a difference in our child's life through adoption.

However, why stop here, why begin and end with just that impact in one life. The are many ways to keep repeating the meaning of adoption my everyday life. Making this decision to adopt our child has helped me realize that it only takes one person at a time to make a positive impact in a huge way.

So my goal with beginning again and again and again is to keep my life on this momentum that adoption has given me. By adopting a new way of living for myself to help those around me, it will allow me to make small changes that will create a huge impact for just that one person, one moment at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful entry. Made me smile and feel motivated. Thanks for that!
